Texas & Oklahoma Occupational Medicine Services offers a full array of vaccines and immunizations, including Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus and TB skin testing. We also offeryearly flu shots, which can be performed at your place of employment if desired. Nothing can adversely affect productivity in the workplace faster than an outbreak of influenza. In order to ensure adequate supply we ask that flu shots be pre-booked by March 1 for vaccinations to be given in November of the same year.
Anyone planning travel overseas or to a third world country should check the CDC website for specific recommended vaccinations or prophylactic medications for that country. We are able to help with this process and can order the specific vaccinations or medications for you.
Additionally, we offer pre-employment and post-exposure blood testing, including but not limited to Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HN, heavy metals, and lead. We are also able to do blood work for any additional testing upon request by an individual or company.